Walking down endlessly long, poorly lit hallways lined with gray lockers was never my idea of an exciting place to learn. While I value those years and the knowledge I took with me, I much prefer the lessons absorbed before and after. After all, isn't life just an ongoing apprenticeship with a few fleeting moments of mastery$%:
In our early years, we jumped in puddles to see the splash, we made telephones out of cups and string and we felt the grass between our toes just because it felt good. We questioned everything from why the sky was blue to why someone would choose mean words instead of nice ones.
I believe the reverse is true the older we get. Instead of believing in possibility, our lives become structured with habit and summon very few energizing moments. We stop asking questions and, in many ways, we grow numb to the possibilities of each day, to others and to ourselves.
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As a highly intelligent society, our minds are constantly bombarded with new technology, concepts and integrative thinking. As a result, we often feel challenged and, unfortunately, only sometimes feel fulfilled. As we springboard into 2007, my request of you is to fulfill your personal desires through learning.
What is it that you have always wanted to learn$%:
Perhaps in the past our fear has prevented us from taking action, or perhaps it is lack of knowledge around what steps to take. Whatever material your roadblock happens to be built with, I am asking that you begin to take it apart piece by piece. A new year represents a new beginning so let's take on some fresh courage and capture our passions.
Most recent records:
What is your first step$%:
Maybe you need to sign up for a class at your local community college, pick up a how-to book or ask someone to help you tackle your newest goal. Whatever you do next, be sure you are twisting something new into your ordinary routine, gaining some time for just you and challenging your mind in a way YOU choose.
Learning can come from many sources, so choose the one that best suits your needs. If you are auditory, taking a class or picking up a book on tape might push you the furthest. If you're visual, seek out a mentor, sign up for a hands-on class or go to the library. Many community colleges now offer a wide variety of classes that you can take over the internet or in person for continuing education.
Just the act of pushing yourself to take a step forward is a personal learning experience. Taking a chance is inspiring to you and to those around you. It's infectious! By empowering yourself to enter into something new, you are leading by example. Learn not only from the experience, but also from your hesitations and your expectations. Pay attention to the challenges that give you the most anxiety. Learn why that is about yourself.
Similarly, as you learn from yourself, you can also learn from the examples of others. I have always had a problem making small talk. Once I picked up on that about myself, I began to pay attention to the conversation skills other people had. I went to the library and checked out a book on how to make small talk. I am still not the best at making conversation, but I have a lot more tools to use now than I used to.
Learning to warm up to the fear involved in taking a risk gets easier with practice. Each step forward brings you closer to being able to go after whatever you want in life. It begins with desire, continues with action and ends with a lesson. Let's start at the beginning this month - where is your desire$%: